In a tale of transformation and love, Emma Johnson, a once pampered heiress, finds herself under the guardianship of a stern and enigmatic man, Alexander Thompson. Their initial meeting is fraught with misunderstandings and conflict, but as time unfolds, their relationship deepens. Emma, who initially sees Alexander as a cold-hearted figure, comes to rely on him for support. Meanwhile, Alexander, who expected a fragile girl, discovers Emma's resilience and strength. Years later, they find their roles reversed; Emma stands as a pillar of strength, while Alexander becomes the one eager to protect her from life's storms.
In a small suburban town, Emily has harbored a secret crush on her neighbor, Jake, for as long as she can remember. Living next door gives her an advantage, allowing her to sneak glances at him whenever she can. Climbing trees and fences has become her specialty, all for the chance to see Jake. One fateful afternoon, while attempting to climb over the fence, she unexpectedly bumps into Jake, who is leaning casually against it. With his charming smile and laid-back demeanor, he teasingly asks, "Do you like me?" Emily's heart races, but she retorts defiantly, "Only dogs like you!" Little does she know, this encounter will change everything.
Maya wanted nothing but peace and for all of the bullying to stop. She had a wish for the moon goddess, too, to meet her parents and ask why she was abandoned at birth. Maya was dumped at birth to a pack who had no idea who her parents were; She was raised in the monastery by the nuns who worshipped something else instead of the moon goddess. When the Alpha dies in war, things take a dark turn for everyone in the monastery, including Maya. The bullying started, and it became intense when Maya cl
In the vibrant era of the 1970s, a spirited girl named Emily Song is determined to elevate her family's status. Born to parents who are content with their ordinary lives, Emily is anything but satisfied. With the memory of a successful past life, she is on a mission to inspire her parents, Tom and Lisa Song, to strive for more. In a society that values hard work and ambition, Emily's parents are the antithesis of the American Dream. Yet, with Emily's relentless prodding, they find themselves on a journey to redefine their values and aspirations. Amidst the backdrop of a bustling American mining town, "Don't Let Your Parents Lose at the Starting Line" is a heartwarming tale of a family's pursuit of the American Dream, led by their own pint-sized strategist.
At the press conference, he publicized her sex tape in front of numerous cameras. He wants to ruin her reputation and make her the butt of jokes for everyone. She was cornered by her angry fans, silently enduring their attacks and insults... She is dying. She has no way out. She comes crying and begging him to save her life. But he only said, "Go to hell."
Tamara is a pretty cute girl of 18 years. She's cute but fat.Well she's a human with whom life wasn't favorable with. Ever since she was young, she's had had to suffer from bullying. People bully her because she's fat. They called her all sort of names which made her depressed.She had two best friends Bryan and Ellen. They were everything to her, the only friends she had in school. They played together,eat together and do most things together.Wondering who Bryan is?Well