"Summer Solstice Equinox" is a heartwarming romance novel set in the backdrop of American high schools. The story revolves around the enduring crush of Summer Knowles on the enigmatic and aloof senior, Hudson Huxley. Despite being separated by two floors in their school building, Summer's feelings for Hudson persist for three long years. When Hudson graduates, Summer is devastated by his rejection but fate brings them together again at college. As their paths cross, Hudson starts to question his own feelings and the possibility of a relationship with Summer. The novel is filled with moments of tenderness, misunderstandings, and the ultimate realization of love.
Candice live changed total forever when she was convinced by her grandma to move to a small town called Madison but getting there she found out a certain young man attractive and wished to get closer to him but her family constantly warned her against forming any kind of relationship with the fellow but as time went on she began to learn the history behind the instense rivalry between the two families
Mr. Smith's Indulgent Wife: After being betrayed by her closest relatives, Lin Ziyuan receives a marriage proposal from the wealthy and cold-hearted Mr. Smith. Despite her initial hesitation, she agrees, only to discover that her new husband is the grandfather of her ex-boyfriend. As she navigates her new life filled with unexpected challenges and the weight of family expectations, Lin Ziyuan must confront her past and the feelings she thought she had buried. Meanwhile, Mr. Smith, known for his aloof demeanor, begins to show a softer side as he dotes on her, leading to a complex relationship filled with love, misunderstandings, and personal growth.
This marriage will save the predatory species from extinction
Becca Hertford recently shifted to a dorm and started her university, hoping it will help her stay away from her father, only to realize that something more complicated is awaiting her. Meeting the finest vampire Alexander Insworthe was the last thing she expected.Alexander Insworthe wants a potion that will make his brother the king of the vampires. He can do anything for his brother, even if it means sacrificing himself. But the problem is the potion is with Becca, and she is not an easy perso
A Spy Disguised in Silly Wife VS Scheming President with Crippled legs"Honey, Grandma said you should insist on taking medicine so that we can have a baby!""Are you sure that's my problem? If you want to have a baby with me, why do you stand so far away?""Anyway, why don't you take the medicine first?""Take the medicine with sleeping pills in it? Screw the medicine! Let's see who's to blame tonight!"Rebecca, a spy disguised in fool, was