"In Love's Grip" follows the tumultuous journey of Mia Thompson, who, after a drunken night, inadvertently entangles herself with the heir of the prestigious Carter family, the most powerful family in River City. In a moment of naive curiosity, she boldly kisses him and asks, "Are you a gift from heaven?" Heartbroken after her boyfriend's betrayal, Mia finds herself drawn to the charming but enigmatic Ethan Carter. As their lives intertwine, Ethan becomes determined to keep Mia close, insisting that she cannot simply walk away from him. However, Mia hesitates at the thought of marrying a man she has only met a few times. As the trend of impulsive marriages rises, she contemplates joining in on the craze, leading to unexpected twists and turns in their relationship.
Ajax dropped Alaina on the mattress making her bounce twice, her eyes heavily guarded with lust, she pushed her fingers inside her panties rubbing her clit softly.Her heart said that couldn't be blamed for this shameless behavior because he was the one that made her like this, lusting like a whore for him.He pried her fingers away from his price watching them covered with shining syrup. Her brought her fingers inside his mouth sucking off her sweet nectar.Alaina whimpered as she watched him
The flickering red light made a hiss out of my lips, I glanced at hmy wrist watch continuously. The time seems to be moving fast my sister must be worried and my phone is dead."Miss let me check what's the cause of the traffic jam" the taxi man said."Hey you Mr man." I shouted enough for him to hear. Hearing nothing in response, i almost thought he's deaf."I'm talking to you." I said again. The moment he turned his face towards me i was beyond surpris
She is a renowned bounty hunter, specialized in capturing fugitives. This time, she apprehended a notorious crime lord, but inadvertently became intimate with him. She swears it was an accident! The crime lord, however, issues a nationwide kill order on her. Once the cunning "Night Fox," she now finds herself ensnared by him, as he vows to make her suffer and claims he will take her a hundred times. Since fate has decreed it, she decides to take control of the situation. A revenge that must come to an end. After a night of unforgettable passion, she leaves without letting him see her sorrow, only to discover that she has conceived a life within her. The man, as handsome as a deity with a dark, seductive glint in his eyes, declares, "You think you can escape now that you carry my child? I'll put a bounty on the mother of my child!"
The novel "Secret Mission" was an imaginary story full of love, loss, hope, battle and war. The story started with slavery and clash between two Nations. But end with unity and love.Sir Louis, Lord of the castle, led his citizens to gather at the castle to worship their gods at night not knowing that their enemy was already with them. Suddenly, the sound of a boom was heard and everything clashed. All houses were burnt and everywhere was scattered.Finally, the Lord of the castle, Sir L
Caroline just got married. But who was this man on her marriage license? Richard Preston. Who was Richard Preston? Her best friend Leo’s uncle! She married her best friend's uncle, Richard Preston, by accident?! The man who was filthy rich and had so much power and influence! But it was also said that he was gay!