"Haunted by the Past" follows the story of Claire Johnson, a descendant of a family known for their ghost-hunting skills. As times change, the family legacy has faded, and Claire struggles to make a living in a world that no longer believes in the supernatural. Fortunately, she finds a job at a local slaughterhouse, which, while not glamorous, helps her pay the bills. One day, a ghost appears at her door, asking for her help to return to his hometown. Claire, skeptical but intrigued, reluctantly agrees to assist him. However, her life takes a turn when more spirits start seeking her out, each with their own unfinished business. As Claire navigates her new reality, she discovers the power of her family's legacy and the importance of facing the past.
Maya wanted nothing but peace and for all of the bullying to stop. She had a wish for the moon goddess, too, to meet her parents and ask why she was abandoned at birth. Maya was dumped at birth to a pack who had no idea who her parents were; She was raised in the monastery by the nuns who worshipped something else instead of the moon goddess. When the Alpha dies in war, things take a dark turn for everyone in the monastery, including Maya. The bullying started, and it became intense when Maya cl
Benjamin Lockwood walked into his office with the baby bassinet in his right hand and his laptop bag in his leftAs soon as he reached his cabin ,he set the bassinet on the coffee table and looked down to see his niece sleeping peacefullyBaby Sapphire, eighteen months old is his step sister's daughter.Eleanor came to his life when he was twelve years old and she was ten. Three years after his mother Marianna's death ,William Lockwood married Elizabeth Lockason ,a widow with a ten year o
108-line minor actress, Daisy (), starts a live streaming career on a futuristic platform where the audience adores Mary Sue stories. She finds herself performing a thousand ways to be a Mary Sue, both on and off-screen, every day. Consequently, she becomes the queen of Mary Sue, adored by all... Daisy: Heh, my whole life has been a Mary Sue; of course, I can play it well. Live viewer A gifts you 'Mermaid's Tears' *1. Daisy: Oh, let's save this for the CEO. Live viewer B gifts you 'Charming Lipstick' *1. Daisy: The actor should like this, right? Live viewer C gifts you 'Sky-High Sexy Lingerie' *1. Daisy: Hmm? This applies to all conquest targets...
Every girl is a unique existence in the world, regardless of her wealth or poverty, whether she comes from a rural area or a bustling city. Lily never feared ridicule or mockery; she only feared losing control of her own life. Not only can she embroider, but she can also stitch together her own destiny. People say that Alex, despite being wealthy and handsome, lacks depth. Even the woman he likes is not worthy of attention. Alex scoffs, "Your family’s standards are unattainable. In my family, if she’s willing to lift her foot just a little, our standards are just an inch high. If she doesn’t want to, then our standards lie on the ground."
Forced to have an abortion and her sister took over, she lost all her value as a substitute. One body, two lives, Ji Luoyi's love has lost all its strength. But why does he still struggle?