In the sweltering summer of 1980, in the bustling city of Silver Creek, a young teacher named Emma Chen finds herself caught in a whirlwind of chaos and responsibility. After receiving a frantic call about her student, nine-year-old Leo, who has been injured by his younger brother, Emma rushes to the clinic without a moment to spare. As she navigates the challenges of her job and the complexities of her students' lives, she discovers the harsh realities of being a teacher in a community filled with struggles. With her own family issues looming, Emma must find a way to balance her duties while confronting her past and the unexpected arrival of a new family member.
In the novel "The Fake Heiress and the Dark Overlord," Su Su finds herself unexpectedly transported into an urban fantasy world where she is the despised fake heiress. To survive, she binds to a troublesome system that awakens her nurturing abilities and makes her the beloved darling of four major power families. Life seems to be at its peak, but she struggles to find joy. The system sets absurd tasks, like making the cold-hearted Yun Rui call her "that teasing little imp" and lift her high within two minutes. Su Su wonders if the system is trying to get her killed. As she navigates this chaotic new life, she discovers that her son is the story's greatest villain, while her daughter is the ultimate lucky charm.
A detective who receives information from an anonymous informant that something suspicious is going on at WIC Company. The detective goes there to investigate, but when he arrives, he is greeted by horror.The informant told him something he couldn't understand, but it was about an astral and murders, but what piqued his interest was the word 'dad,' because he hadn't seen his father in how many years, and perhaps he was about to now.What people know is that the WIC is a medici
When Claire Evatt, a homicide detective who puts work first before love gets entangled with a wealthy man who is suffering from insomnia falls in love, she gets into a fix as things becomes more difficult for her but with the help of Maxwell Wright, they join forces to conquer their enemies together.
She's crazy, egotistical, rude and proud! But, she's very gorgeous. She's likewise one of the most intelligent girls in school. She goes by the name Alicia.Every guy wants her for himself yet she has high taste and doesn't have any desire to make do with just any person.A considerable lot of the girls in school disdain her due with the impact she has on their boyfriends. However, there's no way they could hurt or battle her. She's from one of the most extravagant fa
"She loved him for ten years and could even devote her life to him.However, he hated her to the core. To take revenge on her, he dragged her down the abyss step by step...The history between them finally split them up. “I don’t want to love you anymore. I regret it. I am not going to love you again!” she said firmly.However, in the end, he said, “But now I realize that I love you...”"