After a series of unfortunate events, Lily Evans finds herself in a precarious situation when she accidentally sleeps with a powerful lawyer, Jake Lawson. Awakening to discover that she is now his wife, Lily is determined to navigate her new life without losing her independence. Jake, known for his cold demeanor and sharp wit, becomes increasingly infatuated with her, leading to a tumultuous relationship filled with misunderstandings and unexpected passion. As they confront their feelings for each other, both must face their pasts and the challenges that come with love, ambition, and family expectations.
"What? Cassy has found her mate." I asked in shock."Yes, and guess who." My best friend Lani asked."Actually, I have no idea. Who is her mate? Tell me quickly! I want to know.""I feel jealous that she already met her mate while we still don't have one until now." I said to my wolf Slade."Don't worry Angel, the Moon Goddess is just preparing us for our mate. At the right time, we will meet them." My wolf answered.
The once handsome man changes into a huge midnight black wolf with a white half-moon mark in his forehead. That's the birth mark of every King in their wolf form but the color is not always black. The previous king is a brown wolf.They are all shouting 'hail for the new King, Hail for King Zeus.' And I joined them from here. I'm still shouting when I see my father looking at my direction. We lock our eyes together and by that I knew I'm in trouble. I shift back into my w
On the night of their first anniversary, Savana Williams planned to throw a surprise for her boyfriend with the assistance of her best friend, Cassie. She went out and purchased some provocative lingerie with the intention of having sex with her boyfriend because he had never made even a single attempt to screw her over. However, to her dismay, Kai ditched her and didn't show up on the night of their first year anniversary.Savana made the decision to have a good time that night and go out w
"Vincent, please, I can’t take the medicine. I really need this baby!"" Our baby!"Alora Lux knelt on the ground with tears all over her face, crying and begging the man to change his idea."Take the medicine immediately."Vincent, however, said coldly: "There is only one woman that qualifies to bear my baby, and it’s not you but Violet.""Alora, you are the most vicious woman I have ever seen!"
Eve has no choice but to give up her own dreams and marry the old billionaire who could even be her grandfather ...due to her father's illness and the expensive operational costs.Despite the sex harassment she faces on a regular basis, the humiliation she receives from the old man's son, Liam is another source of pain for Eve. Then, Eve's only thought is to make as much money as she can and get away from the family.Nevertheless, as Liam works with Eve, he gradually falls in love w