In the sweltering summer of 1980, in the bustling city of Silver Creek, a young teacher named Emma Chen finds herself caught in a whirlwind of chaos and responsibility. After receiving a frantic call about her student, nine-year-old Leo, who has been injured by his younger brother, Emma rushes to the clinic without a moment to spare. As she navigates the challenges of her job and the complexities of her students' lives, she discovers the harsh realities of being a teacher in a community filled with struggles. With her own family issues looming, Emma must find a way to balance her duties while confronting her past and the unexpected arrival of a new family member.
With the veil covering her face, Carla walked down the stairs with tears in her eyes.She was getting married to someone she has never seen in her entire life, the prince of a faraway land... prince khalid.she has no feelings for him, and he had none for her too. How would they get married since they has no feelings for each other... find out.
In a world where the protagonist, Sarah, finds herself trapped in a cliché romance novel as a supporting character, she is adopted by the wealthy Johnson family. As she navigates the entertainment industry, she inadvertently helps the Johnsons find their long-lost daughter, Lily. Shortly after their reunion, Sarah is forced into a marriage with the enigmatic businessman, Ethan, who has a troubled 15-year-old son, Alex. As Sarah grapples with her new life, she discovers that her predecessor's actions have caused chaos in Ethan's family, leading to Alex's mental health struggles. With the help of a quirky system that offers her guidance, Sarah decides to forge her own path instead of following the expected narrative, aiming for a life of luxury and happiness.
In a desperate bid to save her mother, Emily Thompson is deceived by her stepmother and forced into a compromising situation with a stranger. Betrayed and left with nothing, she finds herself in a downward spiral that leads to prison. Just when all hope seems lost, the mysterious man who had once been her savior, now proposes a marriage of convenience to save her from her dire circumstances. As Emily navigates her new life as Mrs. Lucas, she finds herself entangled in a web of love, power, and control. Despite her attempts to break free, the man's relentless pursuit and possessiveness leave her questioning the true meaning of freedom and love.
In the novel "Adorable Baby and the Clumsy Dad: Mommy, I'm Super Sweet!", five years ago, a desperate Emily chose surrogacy to save her mother. Five years later, a little boy shows up unexpectedly. "Mommy, adopt me!" The man, face darkened, says, "Hey, you're the son I raised!" The little boy, with a disdainful face, replies, "And who are you?" Enter the Siberian Husky, White, with a comedic touch: "Hey there, mister, don't worry about your son not needing you; you still have me. I can fix things, eat, drink, and more. Come on, customer!"
Winter Candace is an awkward introverted girl who recently moved from Bangladesh to California after her mother passed away. She had to start living with her father, unwillingly. When her father refuses to pay her any pocket money, she decides to get herself a part-time job in a café. While struggling with the unfamiliar environment, she comes across Zane, who offers his help to her which she isn't willing to take that easily.Zane Astor is an unambiguous, candid senior at his high school, w