"Summer Solstice Equinox" is a heartwarming romance novel set in the backdrop of American high schools. The story revolves around the enduring crush of Summer Knowles on the enigmatic and aloof senior, Hudson Huxley. Despite being separated by two floors in their school building, Summer's feelings for Hudson persist for three long years. When Hudson graduates, Summer is devastated by his rejection but fate brings them together again at college. As their paths cross, Hudson starts to question his own feelings and the possibility of a relationship with Summer. The novel is filled with moments of tenderness, misunderstandings, and the ultimate realization of love.
The secret of her adoption had been hidden from her till her nineteenth birthday where she found a humans in the wolf forest, the forest where she first displayed her hidden powers.Now she is tempted to find her biological parents and understand the dreams and nightmares she has every night.She moved over to the city,and continued her college in order to get herself busy as she find her parents, and then met this wizard school mate who takes her mom and then she is able to get a hint about her p
After a traumatic betrayal, Lily Carter wakes up to find herself in the body of a woman named Jessica, who was known for her reckless behavior and manipulation. Cast out by her family, Lily is determined to reclaim her life and make better choices. When her estranged husband, a powerful businessman named Alex, unexpectedly returns, he is intent on winning her back. As Lily navigates the challenges of her new life, she must confront her past mistakes and the unexpected feelings that arise between her and Alex. With a mix of humor and tension, Lily learns that love can blossom in the most unexpected places, even amidst chaos and misunderstandings.
A 16-year-old girl is standing at the altar and shaking like a leaf, her eyes holding fear and a plea as they collide with the harsh and vengeance-filled steel blue eyes of the man standing on the other side of the veil, just centimeters away from her. A palpitating hand on her shoulder brings her back to reality as she turns to face her aunt who is assuring her weakly to say no and run away with them. A tear cascades down her rosy cheeks and with a heavy heart, she looks away and inhales a dee
Once a prestigious heiress, Emily Thompson fell from grace after her family's fortune crumbled and her parents perished in an accident. Believing her marriage to her husband, Lucas Knight, was her salvation, she was devastated when he returned home with a pregnant woman and demanded a divorce. Unbeknownst to her, she crosses paths with an even more dangerous man. "Emily, use me, and I can fulfill any request you have," the voice in her ear, like a devil's whisper, sinful and tempting. Facing persecution from her ex-husband's family, she ultimately strikes a deal with the devil. At night, she becomes his plaything, expecting to be discarded once the novelty wears off, but each night he whispers in her ear, his voice mad and husky. "Baby, you're mine, don't leave me..." "You never know what I've done to have you..."
After her parents' abrupt absence, she assumed her life would be free of ups and downs, but one accident after another caught her off guard. But she is obstinate and will not submit to her fate. Even the apathetic president was struck by her tenacity and inadvertently fell in love with her. He was so controlling and insensitive but he always spoiled her as if she were the only one in the world in his sight. And the story between them is still long...