The story revolves around three fearless men. Alpha Luca Castillo, Lord Romeo Martakis and Lord Valentine Morris. They are considered the three most powerful men in the supernatural world. Rumours have it that they are in a secret mafia cult.The lives of the trio suddenly take an odd dimension when a mastermind is playing games with them. A confidential group is trying to take over their realms and make them parallel earth. Nobody seems to know who the group were or what their next move would be
PROLOGUE:★ ★ ★ ★"Ana. . ." he whispered, his smile dropping as he closed the distance between us. "I'm sor. . ."My right hand met his cheek brutally, stopping all that he had to say. "How dare you?!" I hissed, landing another smack on the same spot. " How could you do this to me? " I raised my hand up again to place another one, but he caught my wrist before I could do so."Plan your next move very carefully," he spoke in a low tone, tighteni
I trusted people whom I thought were my friends but in reality I was just being used
An alpha chooses to marry a human and all hell breaks lose
In a small suburban town, Emily has harbored a secret crush on her neighbor, Jake, for as long as she can remember. Living next door gives her an advantage, allowing her to sneak glances at him whenever she can. Climbing trees and fences has become her specialty, all for the chance to see Jake. One fateful afternoon, while attempting to climb over the fence, she unexpectedly bumps into Jake, who is leaning casually against it. With his charming smile and laid-back demeanor, he teasingly asks, "Do you like me?" Emily's heart races, but she retorts defiantly, "Only dogs like you!" Little does she know, this encounter will change everything.
"What happened Aveline??" Zayed asked"Nothing""Its a very beautiful morning, right??" Zayed asked looking out through the floor to ceiling glass window of the penthouse suite facing the Eiffel Tower.She nodded jerkily"A beautiful morning for a new start" Zayed said drawing Aveline against him.She pulled away from him"What start??" She asked tartly"Our life Aveline. After last night-" he wascut off mid way by Ava's sarcastic laugh&q