"Haunted by the Past" follows the story of Claire Johnson, a descendant of a family known for their ghost-hunting skills. As times change, the family legacy has faded, and Claire struggles to make a living in a world that no longer believes in the supernatural. Fortunately, she finds a job at a local slaughterhouse, which, while not glamorous, helps her pay the bills. One day, a ghost appears at her door, asking for her help to return to his hometown. Claire, skeptical but intrigued, reluctantly agrees to assist him. However, her life takes a turn when more spirits start seeking her out, each with their own unfinished business. As Claire navigates her new reality, she discovers the power of her family's legacy and the importance of facing the past.
Forced to have an abortion and her sister took over, she lost all her value as a substitute. One body, two lives, Ji Luoyi's love has lost all its strength. But why does he still struggle?
Isla Moon Gambino, daughter of the mafia crime lord Richard Gambino has led a sheltered and caged life due to all the dangers that lurk around the mafia family members, now when a rival mafia family threatens the Gambino family's safety, she has been appointed a personal bodyguard.Alexander Rossi, Ex-Marine seal with demons of his own is the appointed bodyguard to the sweet and sheltered girl who goes out of her way to befriend him and make him talk to her.Will she be able to penetrate his
Introduction:Love is a slow developing disease.Mutual love is its only cure while wishful thinking can do nothing but cause exacerbation.Unfortunately, Sherry Brown's love for Mayer Goodwin is beyond cure and makes their love an advanced cancer.As a result,She died of her marriage.Just like a moth flying into the flame.
Grown with love and care, Gu Mian became the most beautiful woman in the village. However, fate took a turn when her father passed away unexpectedly. Many in the village anticipated her fall from grace, but she surprised everyone by marrying into the Xu family! Xu Yan, the youngest production team leader and a handsome man, was the dream lover of many girls. Life seemed to settle, but after half a year of marriage, Gu Mian, with high aspirations, had an affair. The village was in an uproar! Sadly, Gu Mian did not live the life of a young mistress as she had hoped, but instead opened Pandora's box, ending her life miserably. --- Reborn once, Gu Mian recognizes the deep affection beneath Xu Yan's silent and reserved demeanor, and she is determined to live a good life with Xu Yan!
Louis is a victim of his father's reckless lifestyle. years before Louis was born, his father, Alpha Riel happened to be a very rude and reckless little boy.As a result of his rudeness and recklessness he was cursed by a witch, the curse was not directed to him, it was directed to his heir.After all his wrong doings, the reckless Alpha later realized all his mistakes but, it is so unfortunate for him that he could not take back the witch curse.After a lot of seers have searched and tried to