"Unexpected Royalty" follows the story of Mia Chen, a young woman who has always been seen as a simple country girl. After a series of unfortunate events, she finds herself entangled with the heir of the prestigious Carter family, known for their wealth and influence in Rivertown. One fateful night, Mia accidentally kisses Ethan Carter, the charming but aloof heir, while under the influence of alcohol. This impulsive act leads to a whirlwind of emotions and misunderstandings. As Mia navigates her new reality, she discovers that Ethan is not only handsome and wealthy but also carries the weight of family expectations. With the help of her friends and her own determination, Mia must decide if she is ready to embrace a life filled with love, challenges, and the complexities of being involved with a man from a powerful family.
Jasmine Carter finds herself in a novel where she plays the role of a spoiled heiress with four overprotective fathers. Each father has a unique background: one is a famous Hollywood actor, another a skilled paranormal investigator, the third a billionaire tycoon, and the last a brilliant detective. As Jasmine navigates her new life, she discovers the dangers of her character's past and the consequences of her actions. Determined to change her fate, she must learn to balance her relationships with her fathers while avoiding the pitfalls that led to her character's tragic end.
He's a PlayboyHe's a heartbreakerHe's cute, hot and ArrogantHe's a prince CharmingChases everything under skirts and he's just nineteen years old .He's the only son of the popular multi billionaire and as a result, he's treated like an egg.He's Xavier MaddoxHis mum has tried all she could to make him fall in love and live a decent love life instead of jumping from one lady to another and causing heartbreaks, but he wouldn't listen and claims he's
"Married to the CEO" follows the story of Mia Carter, a young woman who finds herself in a desperate situation after her family's business goes bankrupt. With nowhere else to turn, she reluctantly agrees to a marriage contract with the cold and ruthless CEO, Ethan Gray, who is known for his sharp business acumen and icy demeanor. Initially, their marriage seems like a mere transaction, but as they navigate their new life together, Mia discovers that Ethan is not just a heartless businessman; he has his own demons and vulnerabilities. As they confront their pasts and the challenges of their relationship, Mia must decide if she can truly love a man who seems more like a devil than a prince.
Wealthy Billionaire Jay Harley moves back to Los Angeles after a decade of being away mostly for two reasons; first was to reunite with his classmates at the Decade Reunion Anniversary and the second was to inherit his father's company as the only legitimate son which he was thinking of rejecting, because he wasn't interested in fighting over it with his half brothers. But when he runs into a blue eyed boy at the reunion with chubby cheeks and a killer dollar smile with the lady Amber
Piper Jones finally gets caught red handed having swindled her way into stealing millions of dollars from scams is sent to a rehabilitation center named ash fall recovery home where she get to meet a new cruel and they big plans ahead for themselves when they leave this place