After a series of unfortunate events, Lily Evans finds herself in a precarious situation when she accidentally sleeps with a powerful lawyer, Jake Lawson. Awakening to discover that she is now his wife, Lily is determined to navigate her new life without losing her independence. Jake, known for his cold demeanor and sharp wit, becomes increasingly infatuated with her, leading to a tumultuous relationship filled with misunderstandings and unexpected passion. As they confront their feelings for each other, both must face their pasts and the challenges that come with love, ambition, and family expectations.
Welcome to the beautiful love story of Adrian Campbell and Emberly SwanHe was supposed to marry someone else, but Destiny has already written their names together in this realmshe is unaware of the consequences of her actions to save her loved oneHe doesn't love her, He hates her, he wants to take revenge on her but she is Innocent, will her Innocence be able to melt his stone-cold heartWill, they ever fall in love as it is only a business deal for him and compromise for herIs this is an un
Shen Linan is a paranoid maniac with a strong desire for control, and Qiao Xiaonuo is his thorn. In order to trap his beloved girl, he has endured for ten years. Now he is finally about to succeed, but she wants to escape? This time, he can't bear it anymore! "Shen Linan, you are a lunatic, a complete lunatic!" "I have never denied it." "What do you want to do?" "Have a baby with you!"
Every girl is a unique existence in the world, regardless of her wealth or poverty, whether she comes from a rural area or a bustling city. Lily never feared ridicule or mockery; she only feared losing control of her own life. Not only can she embroider, but she can also stitch together her own destiny. People say that Alex, despite being wealthy and handsome, lacks depth. Even the woman he likes is not worthy of attention. Alex scoffs, "Your family’s standards are unattainable. In my family, if she’s willing to lift her foot just a little, our standards are just an inch high. If she doesn’t want to, then our standards lie on the ground."
"“No, I didn’t lie; I didn’t lie to you at all...” “Stop pretending, Cynthia Lewin! You know what? You really disgust me!”In Eason Chinn’s mind, Cynthia is a most unscrupulous, most cunning, and most mercenary woman. All is her deceit and conspiracy.When the full story comes out, however, he prefers that she’s really been lying to him.The funeral, mingled with the howling wind and the chilly snow that day, froze his heart..."
At the end of the year, after the rehearsal for the New Year's Eve stage performance, the lights fade and the audience seats are plunged into darkness. While following her team and passing by the seats of other artists, Bian Li accidentally trips and lands on someone's lap. She looks up to meet a pair of black eyes that seem to be smiling, and the warm-thighed owner, propping his face with one hand, lazily says, "Deliberately seeking my affection, do you like me?" That night, Bian Li is sent to the top of the hot search by an insider's revelation.