The story revolves around three fearless men. Alpha Luca Castillo, Lord Romeo Martakis and Lord Valentine Morris. They are considered the three most powerful men in the supernatural world. Rumours have it that they are in a secret mafia cult.The lives of the trio suddenly take an odd dimension when a mastermind is playing games with them. A confidential group is trying to take over their realms and make them parallel earth. Nobody seems to know who the group were or what their next move would be
The moon festival was being celebrated as usual and the entire pack had gathered together to celebrate with their new Alpha.It was the very first Moon festival ever since the death of the formal alpha and a lot of the wolves believed that celebrating the moon festival would serve as a sign of strength and unity to other packs who would think of attacking them.Halfway through the party the guests had screams outside the Alpha's mansion and they rushed outside to Miriam the Alpha's wife
Fifteen years, they have been abused by their Uncle. Three sisters blindly accept to be the wife of a lone werewolf. The goal was to escape their Uncle's torture and live in peace with their newfound brother but tide changes when they grow attached to the lone wolf. Scott never expected to have three Lunas in one day and accepted it as luck but his luck runs out when the evil Dragon Queen puts a bounty on the head of his three Lunas. The sisters never expected to become entangled with magic
When Liam, a young respected alpha of his pack is mated to a human, he finds he is unable to control his urges and plays along to them. Months later he managed to open up to her but she pushed him away. Now she is in trouble and her best friend, also a werewolf, has no one else to turn to but Liam.